Friday, March 7, 2014

Today's the Day

I have had this concept for a "Body" blog for years now.

Years and years.  And possibly a couple of months.

I know that I've needed to get off my duff and get movin', get groovin', get healthy.  And yet have done nothing about it.  Well mostly nothing.  I would go walking off and on.  Mostly off.

After having four kids, being married for 20 years with my oldest child being 19 and my youngest 11, I can no longer claim the extra poundage as "baby weight".

I guess I could claim it as "Baby Ruth" weight.   That would be true.  I do love me a Baby Ruth.


I have come to the conclusion that if I want to be able to really enjoy my mid-life crisis' and rock on into old age on my own two feet then I better do something about it now.  And fast.

I am starting this in hopes that it will give me a place to journal my journey as I strive to become healthier and happier with myself.  I honestly have no idea how this is going to go.  I have a tendency to start stuff and not finish.

Unless it's a really good meal.  I will always finish a really good meal....and most likely go back for seconds.

Which is why I am where I am.
That and my enjoyment of a large icy Coke. Mmmmmm....

In all honesty this really is not meant to be a blog about weight loss, although that is one of the goals I am working towards.  This is a blog about becoming healthier and loving who I am and the body I have been given.

In today's world loving yourself where you are is not something that people focus on. There is a tendency to focus on loving yourself when you look a certain way or when the scale says a specific number. That is not what I want.  I want to be okay with where I am and happy in the now.  I also want to be doing activities and eating foods that will keep me and this body that I have healthy so that I can really enjoy the now.

The eating thing is what I struggle with the mostess.

Okay I could go on and on but I think I'm going to stop there.  I hope to see you around and if you feel the urge, go on with your bad self and leave me a comment. *fist bump*

*I promise I will try to keep my sad attempts to be "hip/cool" in my language (ie the language in the above sentence) to a bare minimum.


Funky Kim said...

"Fist Bump"

I joined Curves last week. Why? Because I cannot keep up with what I want to do in life. When I was asked what my goal was for joining, I responded that I want to be able to hike without wondering if I'll need a rescue team to get me back to the car. I would also like to be able to hike the stairs to my football seats without feeling the need for oxygen.

If I happen to lose weight, it will be a bonus. But I'm looking to achieve a fitness level that will keep me mobile and active into retirement and beyond.

This year for Lent, I have given up making excuses for not moving. And I've been to Curves three times in the last week. Which is the goal.

Bonnie the Boss said...

Way to go!!!!

duckgirl said...

Good for you, Shanna! I hope you will succeed in feeling better in all the ways you mentioned. I adore you just how you are, but I know it's important to love ourselves too.

Unknown said...

I'm right there with you. Been wanting to do something similar for awhile. This is my new motto: "I need to love myself more than I love food," and boy is it gonna to be hard. ;) I love food.